Low Carb App - App Masters - Web and Mobile Software Development - Brazil
Low Carb App

Low Carb App

We developed alongside Dr. Turí Souza, author of the book ‘Emagreça Já’ (Lose Weight Now in portuguese), an app to support those who started their low carb diet and accompany them in their progress. Offering useful information and always new recipes according to their profile, goals and even health problems. It’s the Low Carb App

Development Details

  • 623

    Hours of work
  • 3

    Months to deliver
  • 477

    Commits pushed

The freedom to create and the focus on results for the user allowed us to plan something that exceeded our client’s expectations and deliver an app that really makes a difference in people’s lives.



To be able to develop an app that was very accurate and useful to the public following the Low Carb Diet, Intermittent Fasting and HIIT, we had to our subjects first. Firstly, we set out to read Dr. Turí Souza’s book ‘Emagreça Já’, and only then did we start the project.

After gathering all the information and ideas, we moved to a functional prototype of the app that represented the format we envisioned. The prototype could be accessed here. We introduced it to the customer and, based on their feedback, we refined the application - a process we repeated with each new version we developed. That way we were able to improve the application and deliver it exactly as Dr. Turí had expected.

“My experience with App Masters has been great. We have been working together on the project from the start, which delivered the best customer experience. The readiness to meet my needs, fulfilling the planning and bringing productive suggestions to the development of my app is being a big difference.” – Dr Turí


At the end of the project, we opened the app for beta testing, where only guests could install the app to try it out. After a couple of weeks in beta, we tweaked the final details and released the App ‘Emagreça Já’ in Stores.

Technical details

A feature that turned out great is the possibility for the app to work 100% offline, so regardless of having a connection or not the user can have access to the menus, recipes and allowed foods.

We used, as in all other projects, an online error logging tool. Therefore, if any error occurs to any user, we are immediately notified for verification and correction, consequently keeping the app always in working order.

The project was developed for Android and iOS, native in both environments, with React Native. The API was developed in Node with MongoDB and is hosted on Heroku. The “admin area” was implemented with React and is hosted on Firebase.